XII. Stale Culture Wars of the Cynical 90's and 2000's Cycle
[4 Terms]
Major Parties: Democrats, Republicans
Major 3rd Parties: Independent, Reform Party
Presidents: (D) Bill Clinton (R) George W. Bush
Vice Presidents: (D) Al Gore (R) Richard Cheney
Events: Somali Debacle that led to the Movie "Blackhawk Down", Hanging Chads of 2000 Election, Lewinsky Affair, Clinton Impeachment, 9/11, Internet and Social Media, War in Iraq, War in Afghanistan, U.S.S. Cole Attacked, Y2 Scare, "Don't ask - Don't tell,", White Water-gate Scandal, Hurricanes Katrina & Sandy
--Republican Party Factions: What emerged was the Republican triangle --on one corner the Moderate Republicans, another corner the Mainstream Conservative Republicans and the other corner the Christian Right. An outlier group of Libertarian Republicans stayed on the edge of the Party.
3rd Parties: Ross Perot as an Independent who received 19% then another bid by Perot as the Reform Party that received 8%. Perot's movement was about flipping the system off and reforming it--such as term limits for Congress.
Democrat Convention: Back East in New York City, New York
Clinton - Bush - Perot |
President: Governor Bill Clinton (Arkansas) Vice President: U.S. Senator Al Gore (Tennessee)
Republican Convention: Down South in Houston, Texas
Republican Ticket: Bush/Quayle
President: President George Bush (Texas) Vice President: Vice President Dan Quayle (Indiana)
Independent Ticket: Perot/Stockdale
President: Businessman Ross Perot (Texas) Vice President: Navy Admiral James Stockdale (New York)
Democrat Convention: Across the Midwest in Chicago, Illinois
Democrat Ticket: Clinton/Gore
President: President Bill Clinton (Arkansas) Vice President: Vice
Dole |
Republican Convention: Out West in San Diego, California
Republican Ticket: Dole/Kemp
President: U.S. Senator and Former Vice-Presidential Nominee Bob Dole (Kansas) Vice President: Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp (Maryland)
Reform Party Convention: Out West in Long Beach, California
Reform Party Ticket: Perot/Choate
President: Businessman Ross Perot (Texas) Vice President: Economist Pat Choate (Virginia)
President: Businessman Ross Perot (Texas) Vice President: Economist Pat Choate (Virginia)
Republican Convention: Back East in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Gore |
President: Governor George W. Bush (Texas) [son of Former President George Bush] Vice President: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney (Wyoming)
Democrat Convention: Out West in Los Angeles, California
Democrat Ticket: Gore/Lieberman
President: Vice President Al Gore (Tennessee) Vice President: Jewish U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman (Connecticut)
Republican Convention: Back East in New York City, New York
Bush |
President: President George W. Bush (Texas) Vice President: Vice President Richard Cheyney (Wyoming)
Democrat Convention: Back East in Boston, Massachusetts
Democrat Ticket: Kerry/Edwards
President: U.S. Senator John Kerry (Massachusetts) Vice President: U.S. Senator John Edwards (North Carolina)
In the above County Map (R) Bush is in Blue, (D) Clinton in Red and (I) Perot in Green.
The 1992 election was the first in over two decades that a 3rdParty had won some counties. Ross Perot's main theme was that the system is broke and needs to be fixed.
For a short time, Perot actually pulled into a slight lead then stunned his supporters by dropping out. Later he re-entered the race but never climbed back to the same level of support as some thought he might just drop out again.
Republicans accused Perot of being in the race to settle old political scores from back in Texas politics with Bush. When Perot exited the race for a while Democrats accused him of trying to help Bush.
-A Note of Interest--
Al Gore would disappear after his failed Presidential bid for theWhite House. He retreated to Hawaii for some time and grew a beard before re-emerging as the self-proclaimed High Priest of the Green Religion and would become the main public instigator in Climate Hysteria making Millions in the process,
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