Monday, October 2, 2023

XIII. Chaotic Populism of Globalism vs. Nationalism Cycle (2009-?)

XIII. Chaotic Populism of 
Globalism vs. Nationalism Cycle
[? Terms]
Major Parties: Democrats, Republicans
Presidents: (D) Barrack Obama, Joe Biden (R) Donald Trump
Vice Presidents: (D) Joe Biden, Kamala Harris (R) Mike Pence

Dominant Issue: Globalism vs. Nationalism, or better put, National Sovereignty. The symbolic dividing line is illegal immigration. 
The anti-establishment Populism reached a peak in the 2016 primaries as Trump ran as an anti-establishment Populist with a Conservative bent and knocked the establishment on their trat end and Bernie Sanders ran on the Democrat side as an outsider Populist with a Liberal bent and nearly did the same.
Events: War on Terror, Afghan Debacle of a Withdrawal, Recession, COVID-19, Lockdowns, Big Tech
, Riots of summer of 2020, Claims of Election Fraud 2020, so-called Jan. 6, Trump Impeachment, Russia Hoax, Hunter's Laptop, record Inflation, record Gas Prices, Border Crises, Killing of Libyan Qaddafi, IRS Scandal of Obama, Chinese Spy Balloons, Black Lives Matter, The Tea Party, The Occupy Movement, Obamacare, Gay Marriage, Uranium One Deal of Hillary Clinton, Loss of U.S. Petro Dollar status, In & Out of Iran Deal, Trump crosses DMZ in North Korea, Abraham Accords, Ukraine, ISIS, Maui Fire, Hurricane Helene & Ohio Train Derailment, In & Out of Paris Climate Accords, Supply Chain Crises, Gas Lighting (of smears of "Misinformation, Conspiracy theorist & Hate Speech"), Selfies, Trump Assassination Attempts, Biden 2024 Debate Debacle

--Democrat Party Factions: Establishment Liberal Democrats (who are socially and economically liberal but in bed with Wall Street and are the ones who smack AOC and Sanders down in public.
Also, Globalists and Statists). 
Woke Left Democrats which stand for 3 things--Cultural Marxism (Cancel Culture, Censorship and Social Justice Warriors) Eco-Fascism (Green New Deal) and Economic Socialism (like when Sanders says, "I'm a Socialist" and they cheer). When it comes to Globalism they are divided--some support Globalism to export their social and environmental agenda and some, more from the Occupy.
Movement roots, oppose Globalism.
The roots of the Woke Left trace back to Howard Dean's Presidential bid in 2004 when he used the rise of social media to gain a woke type following among young Millennials. Obama picked that up and expanded it with his charisma and drew in minorities. Sanders came along and blended in the Occupy Movement and Socialist rhetoric.

--Republican Party Factions: The Republican triangle --collapsed midway through the Cycle. Now there are the Moderate Establishment Republicans (who are socially center-right and
economically Conservative. They are Globalist and Statist--this last part stemming from the tradition stretching back to the
Eisenhower years. They don't want to rock the boat and make major changes)
The Populist Right Republicans who stand for 3 things--Lower Taxes, Less Government and Defense of one's Constitutional Rights.
They morphed out of the Anti-Establishment movement that feels betrayed by the leadership that won't fight for anything. It came to a head in 2016 as Trump tapped into that Anti-Establishment brewing sentiment--both within the Party and at the National level as well (his "Drain the Swamp" slogan) with support from the Tea Party movement and defeated the Establishment (both within the Party and and in the general election).
Trump took the Tea Party and morphed the Republican base around it.

3rd Parties: At this point this Cycle hasn't produced a major 3rd
Trump - Kennedy - Biden
 party run. But if this Cycle continues another term based on this election--we may have one, or even two.
Democrat Bobby Kennedy Jr. is dropping out of the Democrat race before it even begins to run as an independent. In the very first Poll out he is Polling 14%. More than enough to be a major 3rd Party candidate. We'll see what he ends up with.
Also, the Black Professor Coronel West, the Black Lives Matter
 activist, is running for
Green Party nomination. In Polls he is at 4%. We'll see what he ends up with, whether or not he can break the 5% threshold for a major 3rd Party or flip an electoral vote entity, such as majority black Washington D.C. 

End of Cycle: to be seen.... If Trump or any Democrat, whether Biden or a replacement if he drops out such as Harris, Warren or Newsom wins, then this Cycle will go into its 5th term....But if any other Republican wins, such as DeSantis, then we will likely be
entering a new Cycle, a new Conservative break Cycle akin to the Laisse-fair Roaring 20's, Caretaker "I Like Ike" or Reagan-Bush 80's Cycle to calm things down.
After the War on Terror, fears of War with Nuclear Russia, Deep state Soft Coup Attempts, Recession, Inflation, Gas Prices, COVID Lockdowns and Mask Mandates, Censorship and Gas Lighting, Riots, Crime Wave, Hunter's Laptop Corruption and both Cynism and the Culture Wars burning hotter than the last "culture War cycle" itself---either in 2024 OR in 2028 people will want what Harding offered in 1920-- "A Return To Normalcy".
***Now looking ahead to 2028, or if Trump is aced out in 2024 for a
DeSantis - Haley
variety of reasons, could our next cycle be a Conservative Cycle of
There are a variety of factors still in play that could knock both Trump and Biden out. From legal woes for both men to age. We shall see.
DeSantis - Dixon
OR possibly DeSantis/Dixon 2028?
(Dixon being the Secretary of Education under a 2nd Trump term or Governor of Michigan as a result of the midterm of 2026 during a 2nd Biden term resulting in a Republic wave---since Haley did srious damage to her chances in 2024's primary season).

McCain - Palin
Democrat Convention:
Out West in Denver, Colorado
Democrat Ticket: Obama/Biden
President: Black U.S. Senator Barrack Obama (Illinois) Vice President: U.S. Senator Joe Biden (Delaware)
Republican Convention: Across the Midwest in St. Paul, Minnesota
Republican Ticket: McCain/Palin
President: U.S. Senator John McCain (Arizona) Vice President: Governor Sarah Palin (Alaska)

Romney - Ryan
Democrat Convention:
Down South in Charlotte, North Carolina
Democrat Ticket: Obama/Biden
President: President Barrack Obama (Illinois) Vice President: Vice President Joe Biden (Delaware)
Republican Convention: Down South in Tampa, Florida
Republican Ticket: Romney/Ryan
President: Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (Michigan) Vice President: U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan (Wisconsin)

Republican Convention:
Across the Midwest in Cleveland, Ohio
Republican Ticket: Trump/Pence
President: Businessman Donald Trump (New York) Vice President: Governor Mike Pence (Indiana)
Democrat Convention: Back East in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Democrat Ticket: Clinton/Kaine
President: Former U.S. Senator, Former U.S. Secretary of State and Former First Lady Hillary Clinton (New York) Vice President: U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (Virginia)

Democrat Convention:
Across the Midwest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Democrat Ticket: Biden/Harris
President: Former Vice president Joe Biden (Delaware) Vice President: Half Asiatic Indian and half Mulatto U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (California)
Republican Convention: Split: Down South in Charlotte, North Carolina and back East in Washington, D. C.
Republican Ticket: Trump/Pence
President: President Donald Trump (Florida) Vice President: Vice
 President Mike Pence (Indiana)

Democrat Convention: Across the Midwest in Chicago, Illinois
Democrat Ticket: Harris/Walz

President: Vice president Kamala Harris (California) Vice President: Governor Tim Walz (Minnesota)
Republican Convention: Across the Midwest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Republican Ticket: Trump/Vance
President: Former President Donald Trump (Florida) Vice President: U.S. Senator
 J.D. Vance (Ohio)

Hotly Contested Election of Cycle:
In the above counties map (R) Trump is in reddish and (D) Clinton is in Blueish.
The election saw outsider populist Trump beat the establishment in
Republican primaries and Independent Senator Bernie Sanders do nearly the same in the Democrat primaries.
Trump would go on to beat the overall establishment in the general election with his slogan "Drain the Swamp".
Nearly all analysts were predicting a Hillary Clinton victory that would give the Democrats both Houses of Congress. Instead, Trump found a path to victory and Republicans held both houses of Congress.

-Note of Interest--
A Soft Coup was attempted by a cabal of the "deep state". Several FBI and Justice Department officials working on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign Lied to Federal Judges to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. The motive seems ro have been to get any dirt to pass on to Hillary's campaign. After Trump found a path to victory--and became a duly elected
American President, they then leaked out their investigation for the "where there's smoke there's fire" attack with willing accomplices in the press. It eventually fell apart. Many got caught, one even confessed to a Federal Judge he changed CIA communications to use to Lie to a Federal Judge for a warrant. The special counsel Mueller Report found no Russia Collusion by Trump---despite ALL the Lawyers on his investigative team being donors to Hillary. Then the IG's Report uncovered much corruption at the FBI followed later by the Durham report that found no connection between Trump and Russia, in fact, some things uncovered include that an IT guy for the Democrats set Trump up with a fake connection to Russian sites.
And yet no one went to prison---further feeding the cynicism of the times---as America split into 2 groups--one with rules for the elites and another for the rest of the country.

XII. Stale Culture Wars of the Cynical 90's and 2000's Cycle (1993-2009)

XII. Stale Culture Wars of the Cynical 90's and 2000's Cycle

[4 Terms]
Major Parties: Democrats, Republicans
Major 3rd Parties: Independent, Reform Party
Presidents: (D) Bill Clinton (R) George W. Bush
Vice Presidents: (D) Al Gore (R) Richard Cheney

Dominant Issue: Culture Wars -- which were stale this time around.
People seemed to vote along Culture War Lines but nobody really cared. Also, the War of Terror began. But the country remained divided along Culture War Lines as people viewed the War on Terror through their Prism of the Culture Wars. This was also the Cynical Times of
Ross Perot's movement to flip the system off, the Cynicism of Clinton from "I didn't Inhale" to his "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" to the Cynicism of 9/11 Conspiracies and Election Cynicism of the 2000 Election of the so-called Hanging

Events: Somali Debacle that led to the Movie "Blackhawk Down", Hanging Chads of 2000 Election, Lewinsky Affair, Clinton Impeachment, 9/11, Internet and Social Media, War in Iraq, War in Afghanistan, U.S.S. Cole Attacked, Y2 Scare, "Don't ask - Don't tell,", White Water-gate 
Scandal, Hurricanes Katrina & Sandy

--Democrat Party Factions: Moderate Democrats, Liberal Democrats and Blue Dog Democrats who begin to dwindle away.

--Republican Party Factions: What emerged was the Republican triangle --on one corner the Moderate Republicans, another corner the Mainstream Conservative Republicans and the other corner the Christian Right. An outlier group of Libertarian Republicans stayed on the edge of the Party.

3rd Parties: Ross Perot as an Independent who received 19% then another bid by Perot as the Reform Party that received 8%. Perot's movement was about flipping the system off and reforming it--such as term limits for Congress.

End of Cycle: The Great Recession

Democrat Convention:  Back East in New York City, New York
Clinton - Bush - Perot
Democrat Ticket: Clinton/Gore
President: Governor Bill Clinton (Arkansas) Vice President: U.S. Senator Al Gore (Tennessee)
Republican Convention: Down South in Houston, Texas
Republican Ticket: Bush/Quayle
President: President George Bush (Texas) Vice President: Vice President Dan Quayle (Indiana)
Independent Ticket: Perot/Stockdale
President: Businessman Ross Perot (Texas) Vice President: Navy Admiral James Stockdale (New York)

Democrat Convention:  Across the Midwest in Chicago, Illinois
Democrat Ticket: Clinton/Gore
President: President Bill Clinton (Arkansas) Vice President: Vice
Al Gore (Tennessee)
Republican Convention: Out West in San Diego, California
Republican Ticket: Dole/Kemp
President: U.S. Senator and Former Vice-Presidential Nominee Bob Dole (Kansas) Vice President: Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp (Maryland)
Reform Party Convention: Out West in Long Beach, California
Reform Party Ticket: Perot/Choate
President: Businessman Ross Perot (Texas) Vice President: Economist Pat Choate (Virginia)

Republican Convention: Back East in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Republican Ticket: Bush/Cheyney
President: Governor George W. Bush (Texas) [son of Former President George Bush] Vice President: Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney (Wyoming)
Democrat Convention: Out West in Los Angeles, California
Democrat Ticket: Gore/Lieberman
President: Vice President Al Gore (Tennessee) Vice President: Jewish U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman (Connecticut)

Republican Convention: Back East in New York City, New York
Republican Ticket: Bush/Cheyney
President: President George W. Bush (Texas) Vice President: Vice President Richard Cheyney (Wyoming)
Democrat Convention: Back East in Boston, Massachusetts
Democrat Ticket: Kerry/Edwards
President: U.S. Senator John Kerry (Massachusetts) Vice President: U.S. Senator John Edwards (North Carolina)

Hotly Contested Election of Cycle:

In the above County Map (R) Bush is in Blue, (D) Clinton in Red and (I) Perot in Green.
The 1992 election was the first in over two decades that a 3rd
Party had won some counties.
Ross Perot's main theme was that the system is broke and needs to be fixed. 
For a short time, Perot actually pulled into a slight lead then stunned his supporters by dropping out. Later he re-entered the race but never climbed back to the same level of support as some thought he might just drop out again.
Republicans accused Perot of being in the race to settle old political scores from back in Texas politics with Bush. When Perot exited the race for a while Democrats accused him of trying to help Bush.

-A Note of Interest--
Al Gore would disappear after his failed Presidential bid for the
White House. He
retreated to Hawaii for some time and grew a beard before re-emerging as the self-proclaimed High Priest of the Green Religion and would become the main public instigator in Climate Hysteria making Millions in the process,

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

XI. Conservative Reagan - Bush 80's Cycle (1981-1993)

XI. Conservative Reagan - Bush 80's Cycle
[3 Terms]
Major Parties: Democrats, Republicans
Major 3rd Parties: Independent
Presidents: (R) Ronald Reagan, George Bush
Vice Presidents: (R) George Bush, Dan Quayle

Dominant Issue:
Cold War
Events: Berlin Wall Comes Down, SDI, INF Treaty, Desert Storm, Assassination attempt on Reagan, Grenada, American with Disabilities Act, L.A. Riots, CD's

--Democrat Party Factions: Moderate Democrats (who were for a big welfare state but socially Moderate),
Liberal Democrats (who were both socially and economically liberal), and Blue Dog Democrats (who were the Reagan Democrats of the 80's)

--Republican Party Factions: Moderate Republicans (who were socially Moderate nut fiscally Conservative and focused on running day to day operations of government), Conservative Republicans (both socially and Fiscally Conservative), Christian Right reaches their peak and an outlier group of Libertarian Republicans


3rd Parties: John Anderson ran as a Moderate Independent getting 7% and referring to his campaign as a "3rd Choice"

End of Cycle: Recession and Perot movement

Republican Convention: Across the Midwest in Detroit, Michigan
Republican Ticket: Reagan/Bush
President: Former Governor Ronald Reagan (California) Vice President: Former CIA Director George Bush (Texas)
Democrat Convention: Back East in New York City, New York
Democrat Ticket: Carter/Mondale
President: President Jimmy Carter (Georgia) Vice President: Vice President Walter Mondale (Minnesota)
Independent Ticket: Anderson/Lucey
President: Republican U.S. Congressman John Anderson (Illinois) Vice President: Former Democrat Governor Patrick Lucey (Wisconsin)

Republican Convention: Down South in Dallas, Texas
Mondale - Ferrraro
Republican Ticket: Reagan/Bush
President: President Ronald Reagan (California) Vice President: Vice President George Bush (Texas)
Democrat Convention: Out West in San Francisco, California
Democrat Ticket: Mondale/Ferraro
President: Former Vice President Walter Mondale (Illinois) Vice President: U.S. U.S. Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (New York)

Republican Convention:  Down South in New Orleans, Louisiana, 
Republican Ticket: Bush/Quayle
President: Vice President George Bush (Texas) Vice President: U.S. Senator Dan Quayle (Indiana)
Democrat Convention:  Down South in Atlanta, Georgia
Democrat Ticket: Dukakis/Bentsen
President: Governor Michael Dukakis (Massachusetts) Vice President: U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen (Texas)

Hotly Contested Election of Cycle:
In the Above County Map (R) Reagan is in Blue and (D) Carter in Red
In that election cycle Republican U.S. Congressman John Anderson
came in 3rd in the Republican primaries after Reagan and Bush. Afterward he ran as an Independent joined by Democrat Former Governor Patrick Lucey, They called themselves a "3rd Choice" to Carter's failed Presidency and those who thought Reagan was too Conservative.
That year Cater faced a serious primary challenge for renomination from U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, brother of President John F. Kennedy.

-A Note of Interest--
Reagan's sense of humor came through in what is considered the most
classic debate moment in debate history when the issue of Reagan's age came up - 
"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."

XIII. Chaotic Populism of Globalism vs. Nationalism Cycle (2009-?)

XIII. Chaotic Populism of  Globalism vs. Nationalism Cycle [? Terms] Major Parties: Democrats , Republicans Presidents: (D) Barrack Obama...